Sizzling weekend

My Boo Pj, spent the weekend with me and it was awesome! It surpassed all my fantasies and i have some mind blowing fantasies. I felt loved and wanted. He just could not get enough of me and neither could i. Immersed myself in his love, trying to hold on to every moment of it, knowing i would soon have to let go. It was painful to watch him go, so much so, that i couldn’t bare to walk him to the door. It was like just leave right now before i flood this room with tears.

There are perks that comes with being in a long distance relationship. One is that i am free to live like a single woman and have the benefits of a relationship when i need one. However, this does not substitute for what i miss when my love is away. He is the glue that holds everything in my life together. When he is away i don’t know what to do…i’m just all over the place.

I get all types of emotions, joy, anger, i’m just up and down, hot then cold. When he calls sometimes he gets the wrath of it all. I am glad to have someone who understands and can handle me. Many have tried but had to run away  :-). I can’t say he haven’t tried to run away too, but luckily, our love won’t let him.

I know he is the one so i’m giving this distance a fight. I’ve seen it destroy so many relationships, but not mine. Something else will have to end this, but not the “distance”. I am an overcomer not a quitter. The best thing is that i’m not fighting alone. One person can’t make a relationship work.

I block out the haters who say it won’t work. I just cut them off, they are like poison. I have enough on my plate…to hell with that negative energy. I surround myself with people who are positive, optimistic, see a problem but also a solution, people who genuinely cares.

Everything isn’t perfect and that makes it interesting. Sorry, but i don’t want a perfect relationship, for i won’t grow. It is amazing to watch your love blossom and reminisce on the good and bad times. This brings us closer, it gives us the feeling of accomplishing something together.

I want to see the fruits of this relationship so i’m putting my best foot forward, keeping my fingers and toes crossed and hoping for the best!

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